Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More fun questions!

What injury did Williams Renshaw self describe at Wimbledon 1887?

What was Walter Tukesbury's world 100m record set in 1900?

What is Tiger Woods' first name?

What are Patek Phillipe, Jaeger-Lecourte and Brequet?

What are the two deepest parts of the ocean called respectively?

What is D2O?

Which animal has the collective noun of "intrusion"?

Which Oil Tanker sank off the coast of Brittany in 1968?


Bill O'Byrne said...

I can't be arsed looking for the answers. Tell me what they are!!!

Well done by the way!!

Peter and Louise said...

Tennis Elbow
10.2 seconds
Marianas and Kermadec Trenches
Heavy Water
The Amaroc Cedak or something like that.